Throughout the past few weeks, we have been sharing with you the heart and soul of Passion Partners…our mission, our vision, our values….getting “back to basics,” if you will. And we know for many of you, simply hearing “the basics” for the very first time.
Today, I, Allie (Strategic Development & Project Manager – Africa) want to take you back a couple of months, to our official launch of Passion Partners, and share with you the first communication our founder and Executive Director, Candice Ashburn, sent out to supporters.
This was the first time we formally extended the invitation for others to “be a part” of Passion Partners…a significant moment in our ministry, to say the least.
Candice knows, and we all know, that it is both an exciting and intimidating task to invite others to join others in the work God is calling you to. Yet, we, Passion Partners, firmly believe that this is exactly what He’s asked us to do…invite others to join us.
Why? Because the work God is doing is just too big, too significant, too good to keep to ourselves.
So, in case you missed it, here it is…
the “launch,” the “invitation”… in retrospect.
From Candice:
“I want you to know . . . that what has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel.” Philippians 1:12
Dear friends,
This is a moment which I have been greatly anticipating for some time . . .
In 2010, 2 ½ years after my husband, David’s, death, God gave me a vision much larger than I could have ever imagined, let alone predicted the result of God’s ability to bring hope out of such tragedy.
But today, it is with my greatest expression of joy that this side of the screen can deliver that I formally introduce Passion Partners, the global missions organization of Her Passion ministries.
The mission of Passion Partners is to mobilize people to be the hands and feet of Jesus with the sole purpose of reconciling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
Love your neighbor as yourself . . . Mark 12:31
. . . go and make disciples of all nations . . . Mark 28:19
All for the glory of God.
In January of 2010, God began to turn my heart toward a global reach, and I felt impressed to expand Her Passion ministries ( from not only teaching the Word of God, but to include reaching the world for God . . . being the hands and the feet of the Gospel. And that was the literal beginning of what is now Passion Partners.
Passion Partners exists to provide leadership & funding to existing as well as emerging ministries all over the world. Our goal is very simply this: to walk alongside our partners in a collaborative effort allowing them to be more effective in their call and fulfilling their passion.
Passion Partners also exists to mobilize ordinary people into extraordinary opportunities to serve the Kingdom and discover and uncover their own passions and purposes.
You can find out more about our most rapidly expanding partnerships and projects (which are in Kenya and Uganda) at which is set to launch this fall. But until then, you can “like” us on Facebook and “follow” us on Twitter (@pp_global). You can find photos of our current projects and partners which include the Siaya Community Development Initiative: the Ohuru Medical Clinic, Usingo School; Swahiba Youth Networks: Jitambue project; and the Wakiso Restoration Home for girls in Uganda.
We continue to travel back and forth to Africa to visit our partners and see the work God is doing with our own eyes. And we return again and again, testifying to Ephesians 3:20 and sharing that He is doing “more than we could have ever thought, asked or imagined” and more than words can adequately describe. Before the end, our invitation will be not only will you “follow us” and “like us,” but will you “join us?” We look forward to sharing the many adventures to come!
For His Glory,