Overcoming Adversity


Overcoming Adversity By Sam Sempijja

Meet Josephine Nabukeera.  She is 15 years old and is a Junior at Buganda College.

Things were tough at the beginning of Josephine’s life.  She was born to a teenage mother and a father who was already married with multiple wives.  Consequently, there was no room left for her mother to stay with him.  Left to fend for herself and her newborn, Josephine’s mother struggled to meet their basic needs.   She eventually married, and Josephine’s stepfather does not value her education and refuses to pay her tuition to school.  Therefore, her mother is left to struggle to find the money to pay for Josephine’s education.

However, all hope is not lost.  Through God’s providence, Josephine is one of the girls whom Passion Partners serves in partnership with the Uganda Purity Project.  To help Josephine and her mother with the expenses that can come from sending a child to school, the Uganda Purity Project staff recently visited their home.  To provide assistance, the Uganda Purity Project staff delivered some basic necessities such as sugar, rice, cooking oil, and bread as well as scholastic materials such as books, pens, shoe polish, and knickers.  These simple items help alleviate the financial burden by meeting not only Josephine’s needs, but the family’s basic needs as well.

It is through outreach programs such as this that Passion Partners hopes to reach not only the girls of the Uganda Purity Project, but their families as well, with the hope of the Gospel.

You too can take part in this by participating in Passion Partner’s #GetLocal Campaign.  Your tax-deductible gift of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you are willing to give will help Passion Partners and the members of the Uganda Purity Project continue to meet the needs of the girls and their families.  Join us TODAY by visiting www.passionpartners.org/donate!

* Sam Sempijja is the director of the Uganda Purity Project based in Wakiso, Uganda.

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