Help = Hope

2. All the people living in a particular area or place.

1. The process of developing or being developed.
2. A specified state of growth or advancement.

“May God Almighty bless you & make you fruitful…until you become a community of peoples.” Genesis 28:3

The last 2 years at Passion Partners has been spent uncovering exactly where God wants us to work, with whom He would have us work, and exactly what that work would entail. And though some of the details are still being uncovered, the big picture is this: Passion Partners is building communities-literally.

The manifestation of the mission of Passion Partners is, at the core, Community Development. Practically speaking, we bring relief such as clean water & food, in the short-term, in order to equip those whom we are serving for the long-haul of community development which includes health care, child & maternal health and education (among other elements).

At Passion Partners, the practical development of a “community” is the means to a greater end. Our goal is not just to build communities whereby we measure outcomes and more individuals survive, but because they uncover their God given role and purpose, they thrive.

“I know the plans I have for you…plans to give you a hope & a future.” Jer 29:11

Sometimes, Hope begins with clean water when you have none.

Sometimes, It begins with a vaccine, where there is great risk of young mortality.

Other times, a Future begins with a uniform & (public) school fees instead of child labor, or it begins with feminine products instead of excessive absences from school.


From personal experience, I know that first hand. Where there is no help, there is no hope.

Helplessness is hopelessness.

At our broadest attempt, Passion Partners strives to model a wholistic approach to build communities by addressing practical opportunities for development, otherwise known as “great need.” At our most narrow focus, are the individuals whom we serve in order to bring them the only true and lasting source of transformation and growth and “development”: the Good News of the Gospel. It is part of our organizational DNA…being the hands & feet of Jesus.

“May God Almighty bless you & make you fruitful…until you become a community of peoples.” Genesis 28:3

For His Glory,


About passionpartners

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